Corporate Governance
The Directors recognise the importance of sound corporate governance commensurate with the size and nature of the Company and the interests of its Shareholders. The Quoted Companies Alliance has published the QCA Code, a set of corporate governance guidelines, which include a code of best practice, comprising principles intended as a minimum standard, and recommendations for reporting corporate governance matters. Martin Gilbert, Executive Chairman
Governance Principles
1. Establish a strategy and business which promote long-term value for shareholders
AssetCo is primarily involved in acquiring, managing and operating asset and wealth management activities and interests, together with other related services. The strategy principally focuses on making strategic acquisitions and building organic activities in areas of the asset and wealth management sector where structural shifts have the potential to deliver exceptional growth opportunities. This could include strategic acquisitions of undervalued asset and wealth management businesses which have core capabilities that play to these structural shifts, and where active management can unlock value. The strategy of the Company will be reported on through the Strategic Report section of the Annual Report and in the Chairman’s Statement in both the Annual Report and the Interim Statement.
2. Seek to understand and meet Shareholder needs and expectations
The Company, through the Chairman, will have regular contact with its institutional Shareholders. The Board supports the principle that the annual general meeting will be used to communicate with private Shareholders and will encourage them to participate.
3. Take into account wider stakeholder and social responsibilities and their implications for long-term success
The Company, through the Chairman, will have regular contact with its institutional Shareholders. The Board supports the principle that the annual general meeting will be used to communicate with private Shareholders and will encourage them to participate.
4. Embed effective risk management, considering both opportunities and threats, throughout the organisation
The Board considers regularly the risks relating to the Company’s activities. Details of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company will be set out in the Strategic Report section of the Annual Report each year.
5. Maintain the Board as a well-functioning balanced team led by the Chair
The composition of the Board is considered to be appropriate in view of the small size and lack of complexity within the Company. There are three Board committees, all chaired by a non-executive Director.
6. Ensure that between them the Directors have the necessary up to date experience, skills and capabilities
Individual Directors have a wide range of qualifications and expertise to bring to Board debates. Biographical details of the Directors are set out on the Company website.
7. Evaluate Board performance based on clear and relevant objectives, seeking continuous improvement
The Board plans to put in place a formal evaluation process for all the Directors.
8. Promote a corporate culture that is based on ethical values and behaviours
The Board will promote a positive corporate culture, ideals and desired ethical behaviours within the Company, and communicate these across the business as its size increases.
9. Maintain governance structures and processes that are fit for purpose and support good decision-making by the Board
The Board is responsible for the Company’s system of internal control and reviewing its effectiveness. The procedures for planning and monitoring the operational and financial performance of the Company, as well as its compliance with applicable laws and regulations, will be set out in the Directors’ Report section of the Annual Report.
10. Communicate how the Company is governed and is performing by maintaining a dialogue with Shareholders and other relevant stakeholders
The principal method of communicating the Company’s corporate governance process and principles will be the Annual Report, which will be sent directly to all Shareholders (unless they specifically request only electronic communication), and will be made available to other stakeholders and the general public on the Company’s website. The annual general meeting also provides an opportunity for Shareholders to address corporate governance matters.
This page was last updated on 20 March 2022